While we started out as a Postman Chrome app used along with the Postman Interceptor Chrome extension, native apps were introduced for Mac / Windows / Linux users last year. I changed the input json to look like this and it worked! ** Note: the value for the schema result had to match exactly to the type being returned (i.e. Many Postman users believe Postman is only available as a Chrome app.

Select Load unpacked extension Select the chrome folder with manifest. Send a request, and you can inspect the request from within Postman's console. Notice how it sets up the stored procedure to return a value, based on whether the insert was a success or not:Īfter I figured out the CORS issue above, I was still getting errors. Go to Tools > Extensions inside Chrome by clicking on the wrench icon on top right. 8 Answers Sorted by: 318 As of now, Postman comes with its own 'Console.' Click the terminal-like icon on the bottom left to open the console. I also used this post as a reference for setting up the stored procedure in the MySQL DB. Under Requests, change Source to Interceptor. I used this site as a reference for setting up the Postman request: Download Interceptor from the Chrome Web Store In the Postman app, click the satellite icon to capture requests and cookies. I am using the “Postman” google chrome extension to send the request to my DSP that I’ve setup a stored procedure on. Postman provides all the functionality needed to create. Here’s some notes, in case it’s helpful to someone else. Postman is a tool that facilitates the development and use of APIs.